Thursday, October 17, 2019

DS Final Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

DS Final - Dissertation Example In the wake of such levels of debate and discussion among researchers, it is always useful to introduce a new paradigm that would serve as an alternative. Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) has been found to be a new technology that most IT projects would want to use in the provision of communication services. This is largely due to the level of reliability associated with the service output of VoIP. The study therefore took advantage to introduce a paradigm shift in medical alert systems by using VoIP instead of POTS. This was done through the development of medical software that was called VoIP medical alert system. Medical alert service is subsequently analyzed in this paper as a customized and integrated work activity, using emergency medicine as a theoretical framework. Medical alert service is regarded in the paper as an emergency response scheme that demands that medical care reach service users in emergency within the shortest timeframe. But for this to be achieved, the need to have a reliable and efficient communication system to link up to the medical alert service was necessary. Information systems theory was thus used as an activity theory to guide the development and introduction of the VoIP medical alert system at the St Theresa Hospital. ... I declare that the dissertation describes original work that has not previously been presented for the award of any other degree of any institution. Signed, your-name-here â€Å"This dissertation contains material that is confidential and/or commercially sensitive. It is included here on the understanding that this will not be revealed to any person not involved in the assessment process.† Student, Supervisors and Classes: Student name: Student ID number: GDI name: CRMT class ID: DA name: Yongge Wang CAC class ID: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A number of people played very instrumental roles in the completion of the current research. For various roles in which they supported me morally, spiritually, intellectually, and logistically, I would like to express a depth of gratitude to I would like to thank Dr.Yongge Wang (my dissertation advisor) for his support throughout this dissertation. I would like to thank my family for their continuous support and the University of Toronto. Finally, to all respondents who dedicated their time to answering interview questions during the primary data collection. LIST OF TABLES Table 6.1 Emergency Services given before and after the Intervention 47 Table 6.2 Deaths recorded before and after the Intervention 49 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 3.1 Information Systems as an Activity 25 Fig 3.2 Decision-Making Theory Diagram 26 Fig 4.1 SSDAM Diagram 30 Fig 4.2 Simplified Data Flow Diagram 32 Fig 4.3 Business Systems Options Diagram 33 Fig 4.4 Requirements Specifications Diagram 35 Fig 5.1 Combined use of Waterfall Model and Action Research 42 TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter 1. Introduction 10 1.1 Scope 10 1.2 Problem Statement 11 1.3 Approach 12

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