Friday, May 31, 2019
Willie Russells Educating Rita :: Willie Russell Educating Rita Essays
Willie Russells Educating RitaIn this play, Willie Russell has created 2 extremes of culture andput them together to focus on the differences between them and howthese two cultures change as the play develops. Firstly there is Frankwith a good job as a teacher and a large house and is well educated,who is contrasted with Rita who has a council house, works as ahairdresser and is not well educated. They first meet when Rita goesto Frank because she wants to be educated. As the play continues,Frank and Rita almost totally exchange roles as they are bothunhappy with their culture and want to be more like the other. Thisplay was written in the 1980s where the working, middle and stop numberclasses were still used widely to determine what your culture was andhow important you are to the social society at the time.The theme of culture appears a lot in the play. One of the ways thatWillie Russell shows the two distinctly different cultures is how much motive the higher classes have over the lower classes. In the playknowledge is shown as a symbol of originator. Frank has the superiorknowledge over Rita so therefore he withal has more power over Rita. Butwhen Rita returns from summertime school and is more knowledgeable thanFrank because Frank wanted to be more like Rita, so Rita has morepower over Frank as she now has the superior knowledge. I think thatthe swivel chair determines who is most in control over the otherperson in terms of power and knowledge. At the start of the play Frankis sat in the swivel chair, but once Rita is further educated she sitsin the swivel chair. The fact that it is a swivel chair thatdetermines power is significant because it turns around. Much likeFrank and Rita as the power turned from being in Frank in to Rita.Willie Russell also used education to show the two different culturesthat Frank and Rita live in. Rita says that she wants to be educatedbecause she wants to know everything as she is not happy being classedas working class. But Denny, Ritas husband, does not want her tochange and he does this by burning all of her books. Education alsosymbolises power as Frank has the power to change is life because heis educated, but Rita wants to become educated so she can change herway of life and culture. Education affects the audiencesinterpretations of the play as the two extremes of culture that are
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Global Ethical Perspective of Peer-to-peer File-sharing Essay
The Global Ethical Perspective of Peer-to-peer File-sharing IntroductionThis paper is an analytical essay on global respectable issues on peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing. A history and background of peer-to-peer file-sharing will be given, as well as how it became an issue. This paper will explore what aspects of file-sharing are ethical and at what point it becomes unethical. An explanation of the laws will be described and whether the laws different from region-to-region around the world. The paper will include personal experiences with file sharing, as well as an in-depth analysis on the topic with high-quality industry and academic references to defend a particular moral/ethical position.BackgroundThe network is a shared resource, a cooperative network built out of millions of hosts all over the world. In the year 2000, the network model that survived the enormous growth of the previous five geezerhood had been turned on its head. Through the music-sharing application called Napster, and the larger movement dubbed peer-to-peer, the millions of users connecting to the meshing began connecting to each other directly, forming groups and collaborating to become user-created search engineers, virtual supercomputers, and file systems. The original Internet was fundamentally designed as a peer-to-peer system. Over time it became increasingly client/server, with millions of consumer clients communicating with a relatively privileged set of servers. Current peer-to-peer applications are using the Internet much as it was originally designed as a medium for communication for machines that share resources with each other as equals. The Internet was originally conceived in the late 1960s as a peer-to-peer system. The goal of ... ...erspace Dealing with Law Enforcement and the Courts. November 1999 in Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM SIGUCCS conference on User services Mile High expectations.8 D. K. Mulligan, J. Han, A. J. Burstein Copyrights and Access-Rights Ho w DRM-based Content Delivery Systems Disrupt Expectations of Personal Use. October 2003 in Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Digital rights management.9 D. Clark early of intellectual property How Copyright became controversial. April 2002 in Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy.10 N. Garnett Digital Rights Management, Copyright, and Napster. March 2001 in ACM SIGecom Exchanges, Volume 2 Issue 2.11 J. Evers File Swapping Fight Goes Global Recording industry says P-to-P users in Canada and Europe could face legal action. March 30, 2004 in IDG News Service.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Croce :: Design and Technology
CroceIntuition, Expression and CommunicationBA 3D Design.Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) perhaps the nearly important philosopher ofthe twentieth century lived most of his life in Naples born in theAbruzzi hills a elder son of an ancient and wealthy Neapolitan familywas for decades Italys exemplar of the indispensable link betweenintellect and conscience, a philosopher, historian, and critic hisapproach is one usually termed neo-idealist his aesthetic derivesprincipally from earlier idealist G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) andGiambatista Vico (1668-1774).Croces possibly best-known work was published in 1902 Philosophy ofthe spirit which was divided into four parts Aesthetic as the Scienceof Expression and normal Linguistics, Logic as the Science of PureConcept, Philosophy of the Practical, and History Its Theory andPractice But my main concern is with Estetica come scienza dellespressione e linguistica generale or Aesthetic as the Science ofExpression and General Linguistics within his analys is he statesthat experience is only intuition in as utmost as it is, in that veryact, expression. In other(a) words he argues that intuition is one andthe same as expression what he inwardness by this is all genuine examplesof intuition are in fact examples of expression, and all genuineexamples of expression are examples of intuition one is a composite plant offeeling and thought, while the other is the image that derives from itbut for Croce they are the interior and exterior views of the samething. Plausibly, we cannot have an intuition without an equivalentexpression in other terms that is like talking about a piece of artwork or sculpture inside us that we are incapable of expressing inform. Although people do talk that way from time to time, of course,but others are entitled to doubt whether the art piece is really thereinside the mortal or not. The reason we may think we have intuitionsthat we cannot express is that most of our intuitions like ourmemories are cloudy and vague, when we come to actualize them werealize this and put the chemise down to poor technique or skill. Whatdistinguishes artists from the inartistic and the rest of us thatartists intuitions have become much clearer than ours and have alsobecome much clearer shut away in the process of expression within theirart work itself.But he does make a distinction between expression and communicationthe thirdly factor in the artistic process which in itself is quiteunimportant. Croce argues that expression does not basically involvecommunication. A person can have an intuition in their head and itwill count as a genuine expression even if they never try to
Metallic Hydrogen :: essays research papers fc
Hydrogenthe most abundant element in the universe.Norm all toldy it has been considered to persevere anon-metal at any range of temperatures and pressure levels. That is, until now. Recently this year,hydrogen was changed into a metallic substance,which could conduct electricity. An experimentconducted by William J. Nellis et al. at theLawrence Livermore National Laboratory naturalized this feat. Hydrogen was convertedfrom a non-metallic liquid, into a liquid metal. Thelikelihood that the most abundant element in theuniverse could be converted into metallic counterfeit atsufficient pressures was first theorized in 19351,but tangible evidence has eluded scientists in theintervening decades. "Metallization of hydrogenhas been the elusive Holy Grail in high-pressurephysics for many years," said Bill Nellis, one ofthree Livermore researchers involved in theproject. "This is a significant contribution tocondensed matter physics because a pressure andtemperature that actuall y produce metallizationhave finally been discovered."2 Livermoreresearchers Sam Weir, Art Mitchell, and BillNellis used a two-stage gas gun at Livermore tocreate wondrous shock pressure on a targetcontaining liquid hydrogen cooled to 200 K (-4200 F). Sam Weir, Arthur Mitchell (a Labassociate), and Bill Nellis published the results oftheir experiments in the borderland 11 issue of PhysicalReview Letters under the title "Metallization ofFluid Molecular Hydrogen at 140 GPa (1.4Mbar)." When asked about the importee of thework, Nellis had this to say "Hydrogen makes up90 percent of the universe. Jupiter is 90 percenthydrogen and contains most of the mass in ourplanetary system. Hydrogen is very fundamental to alot of work done at the Lab. Hydrogen in the formof deuterium and tritium isotopes is the fuel inlaser-fusion targets and how it behaves at hightemperatures and pressures is very primary(prenominal) toNova and the National Ignition Facility."3 Bymeasuring th e electrical conductivity, they foundthat metallization occurs at pressure equivalent to1.4 million generation Earths atmospheric pressure,nine times the initial density of hydrogen, and at atemperature of 30000 K (50000 F). Because ofthe high temperature, the hydrogen was a liquid.The intense pressure lasted less than amicrosecond. Optical evidence of a new phase ofhydrogen has been previously reported using anexperimental approach that involves crushingmicroscopic-sized samples of crystalline hydrogenbetween diamond anvils.4 However, metallic cause has not been established. Metalliccharacter is most directly established by electricalconductivity measurements which are not yetpossible in diamond anvil cells at these pressures.The Livermore teams results were surprisingbecause of their methods, the form of hydrogenused and the pressure needed to achieve the result(which was much lower than previously believed).Virtually all predictions surrounding metallichydrogen have been made f or solid hydrogen at
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Effects of Specific Diet in Relation to Aging Essay -- Nutrition
IntroductionEvery day people make decisions that impact their lives, varying from minuscule to dynamic effects. It is widely accepted that eating a nutrient diet may prevent, delay, or lessen certain age-related diseases. Many individuals choose to partake in a vegetarian lifestyle in hopes that it would lead to a much healthful and longer life. While a vegetarian lifestyle has proven to be generally safe and beneficial for human health, the question I propose is what the difference, if any, is amongst a vegetarian and omnivorous lifestyle over the adult human lifespan in relation to aging and body function? The purpose of this paper is to project the potential effects, positive, negative, and neutral, that diet, namely vegetarian based vs. omnivore based, has on aging throughout the adult lifespan.BackgroundTo introduce the topic, it is important to know that for the purpose of this paper, the term vegetarian will plow all types of vegetarianism, including, but not limited to, pescatarianism (abstaining from all beef, pork, poultry, and foul, but still consuming all dairy products, eggs, fish, and sea food) , the most common lacto-ovo-vegetarian (abstaining from eating the gist of all and any brutes, including fish and sea food, but still consuming dairy lacto products and eggs ovo), a stricter vegetarianism, known as vegan (abstaining from all meats, fish, sea food, eggs, dairy, animal products, and in most strict cases white sugar because of the way it is processed), and the strictest form, raw vegan( abstaining from all that a vegan does, and also abstaining from all cooked and un-natural foods). It is also to be noted, that while umpteen choose a vegetarian lifestyle for suspected health benefits, many also ... ...ction to food and society. Belmont, California Thomson/Wadsworth. pp. 282, 283. ISBN 0-534-52582-2. Protein in diet. United States field of study Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. 2009. http// us/ency/article/002467.htm. Davey GK, Spencer EA, Appleby PN, Allen NE, Knox KH, Key TJ (2003). EPIC-Oxford lifestyle characteristics and nutrient intakes in a cohort of 33 883 meat-eaters and 31 546 non meat-eaters in the UK. Public Health Nutrition 6 (3) 25969. inside10.1079/PHN2002430. PMID 12740075. Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine (1997). Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and fluoride. majuscule DC The National Academies Press. ISBN 0309064031. http//
The Effects of Specific Diet in Relation to Aging Essay -- Nutrition
IntroductionEvery day people make decisions that impact their lives, varying from pocket-sized to dynamic effects. It is widely accepted that eating a nutritious diet may prevent, delay, or lessen certain age-related diseases. Many individuals choose to partake in a vegetarian lifestyle in hopes that it would lead to a more healthful and longer life. While a vegetarian lifestyle has proven to be gener each(prenominal)y natural rubber and beneficial for human health, the question I propose is what the difference, if any, is between a vegetarian and omnivorous lifestyle over the adult human lifespan in social intercourse to aging and body function? The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential effects, positive, negative, and neutral, that diet, namely vegetarian based vs. omnivore based, has on aging throughout the adult lifespan.BackgroundTo get out the topic, it is important to know that for the purpose of this paper, the term vegetarian will encompass all types of veget arianism, including, but not limited to, pescatarianism (abstaining from all beef, pork, poultry, and foul, but still consuming all dairy products, eggs, fish, and sea food) , the most common lacto-ovo-vegetarian (abstaining from eating the meat of all and any animals, including fish and sea food, but still consuming dairy lacto products and eggs ovo), a stricter vegetarianism, known as vegan (abstaining from all meats, fish, sea food, eggs, dairy, animal products, and in most strict cases white sugar because of the way it is processed), and the strictest form, raw vegan( abstaining from all that a vegan does, and also abstaining from all cooked and un-natural foods). It is also to be noted, that while many choose a vegetarian lifestyle for suspected health benefits, many also ... ...ction to food and society. Belmont, calcium Thomson/Wadsworth. pp. 282, 283. ISBN 0-534-52582-2. Protein in diet. United States National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. 2009. http/ / Davey GK, Spencer EA, Appleby PN, Allen NE, Knox KH, Key TJ (2003). EPIC-Oxford lifestyle characteristics and nutrient intakes in a cohort of 33 883 meat-eaters and 31 546 non meat-eaters in the UK. Public Health fare 6 (3) 25969. doi10.1079/PHN2002430. PMID 12740075. Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine (1997). Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and fluoride. Washington DC The National Academies Press. ISBN 0309064031. http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Pigman Essay
The 40 Developmental Assets are the positive building blocks that young people use to guide them to a successful future. These assets mess even be seen in fictional book called The Pigman by capital of Minnesota Zindel. One of the 40 developmental assets thats in The Pigman is certificate of indebtedness. office is the ability to act or decide roughlything by yourself. Responsibility or lack of responsibility is seen in The Pigman when fast one and Lorraine lay down responsibility for their lies, when potty and Lorraine throw a wild party at Mr. Pignatis house, and how John always drinks and smokes.One way responsibility is seen in The Pigman is when John and Lorraine take responsibility for their lies. Well, at the beginning of the book, we learned that John is a frequent liar. He lies to get out of trouble. So he told Mr. Pignati that they are charity workers. Later on in the book, John reveals that him and Lorraine arent adult charity workers and says, We just had to be ho nest with you because we like you more than anyone we know. (Zindel 102) That quote showed that John was really starting to care for Mr.Pignati and he didnt want to live his life on one big lie. In this way, John and Lorraine took responsibility for their lies they created. One way responsibility isnt seen in The Pigman is when John and Lorraine threw a wild party at Mr. Pignatis house. One day out of the blue when John, Lorraine and Mr. Pignati were hanging out, Mr. Pignati had a terrible heart-attack and was hotfoot to the hospital. John thought it was a great idea to throw a party so he said, Dont you think Mr. Pignati wants us to sacrifice a social life? He smiled, his great big eyes glowing. (130) That quote doesnt relate to responsibility because during the party many things happened that John and Lorraine didnt hollo to happen. Music was played so loud, you could hear it outside. Also Mr. Pignatis precious pigs got destroyed and his dead wife Concettas dress got ripped a nd ruined. In this way, John and Lorraine didnt take responsibility for their actions. Another way responsibility isnt seen in The Pigman is how John is always smoking and drinking. Well, in the beginning of the book, Lorraine was talking about Johns dad and how he was a heavy drinker until he developed sclerosis of the liver.And she thinks he influenced John to do these things at a truly young age. Lorraine is always trying to show John what drinking and smoking can do to you. Once Lorraine showed John the book on Sigmund Freud and said, I near had him convinced that smoking was an infantile, destructive activity when he pointed out a picture of Freud smoking a cigar on the books cover. John replied, If Freud smokes, why cant I? consequently Lorraine said, Freud doesnt smoke anymore. Hes dead. (8) This quote shows that John really doesnt care that smoking and drinking can do terrible things to your body.He doesnt care because he drinks and smokes to escape his problems. In th is way, John isnt taking responsibility for his own health. One of the 40 Developmental Assets thats seen in the novel The Pigman by Paul Zindel is responsibility. When John and Lorraine take responsibility for their lies, when John and Lorraine throw a wild party at Mr. Pignatis house, and how John always drinks and smokes are some ways The Pigman shows characters acting responsibly and characters acting irresponsibly. Its clear when people act responsibly things turn out much better for everyone.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Knowledge to Cook Essay
India is popular in legion(predicate) sectors around the globe. Taste is one among them. For some people it is standoff to occasions and others as memories. They make fun and c all told their places with certain names like Chennai sambar, Hyderabad biryani, Mumbai vada pao, Rajasthan kachori many more. At colleges or work places as we meet various culture people and start calling out the person by their native intellectual nourishment item names and behaviour is described by food items. Doctors say that eating good food helps for a good health but making the taste make much better health. These long time the panache is the fast food culture where people forgot about their traditional food. This made India to face many health issues. This generation home makers and kids dont hunch over about their own traditional food followed from centuries. Some of them are interested in having those traditional foods but as of busy lifes these days they adopted the system of buying in home f oods or sweet shops.Where the costs are high and less in quality. The best think invariably I know to do is readiness and considered as creativity. Needs all senses to engage with cooking. I have a strong feeling that art of cooking is hereditary. In my family where my grandmas and aunts have that skill of cooking traditional food. These indulge me to cooking when I was 8, simply by crisp a dose. Trying different recipes make me know about variant cultural food habits and nutrition value. Before cooking any dish I understand its own origin, history. I learnt that certain pattern styles is not enough for cooking but also need to select proper utensils. There is prime(a) for anything even in cooking, vegetarian and non vegetarian.For me the best part of cooking easy is the non-veg items because thats my favourite and I enjoy it a lot. Here comes the picture of technology GURU for all GOOGLE PROFESSOR usage started, gone through various web sites and experiments took place, continu ing now even. As Im a Telugu girl learned the basic cooking at home and now had no idea about the traditional items being cooked for the festivals. Im interested in experimenting, so at that place the journey started for learning traditional cooking. Pongal festival time is the day we find the traditional cooking starts. When I visited to my grandparents village the preparation started and observed many different things over there.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ken Keseyââ¬â¢s One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nest Essay
I. IntroductionThe book One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest is the result of Ken Keseys own experience during his work in mental institution in late 1950s. This book reflects the themes of individuality and rebellion of that time that include protest against conformity. It is the bill of one small rebellion that was successful through a big sacrifice. The book is largely symbolic and many characters and things in it are allegoric.II. Body mutiny is the major theme in the book. It is shown as a confrontation between protagonist Randle McMurphy and antagonist curb Ratched. Before McMurphy entered the ward, it was the small structured society of mentally ill patients ruled by powerful Nurse Ratched who weakens them by psychological manipulation. There is no chance that anybody would defy her. After the arrival of McMurphy the situation changed dramatically because this patient is sane and has a strong personality.The figure of McMurphy is symbolic in the way how he sacrificed himself to le t the patients realize who they are and regain their spirits. The narrator of the story, drumhead Bromden, realizes that he is not weak and breaks free from the ward. McMurphy is compared to Christ in many ways he is sacrificed, crucified on the table with electroshock he gathers disciples around him and arranges the fish trip as Christ who led his twelve disciples to the sea to test their faith.III. ConclusionThe book has made a big impression on me in the way how individuality is confronted with the submission and conformism. It teaches rebellion against humiliation of human nature. However, I dislike the authors view of women as the castrators of men in this book. Nurse Ratched is portrayed as a horrible creature who has no feminine features about her. I liked the figure of prostitute Candy, although she is shown only as the authority to relieve Billy Bibbit. Having many symbols and allegories, this book makes us think and not only entertain ourselves.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Communication in Children / Young People Essay
Speech, vocabulary and intercourse play a vital role in our lives. With aside being able to call on the carpet to, and understand other great deal we flush toilett do things alike Almost everything we do involves speech, language and or communication Children develop communication skills from birth. They hope on speech, language and communication to be able to learn at school and play with their friends. They read these skills to r for each single their full potential. Children begin to understand oral communication before they can say them. They then learn how to say these words and how to put them together to make sentences. Some develop quickly, while others may scud longer.Being able to say what you want? and to understand what others be saying be the most important skills we need in life. Yet many volume take communication for granted. For more or less children and infantile people, communicating with others is difficult and they have speech, language and communi cation needs SLCN. This short essay outlines the importance of communication at school, and provides information about SLCN and highlights ways through which a better environment can be structured to facilitate better communication and how those who support them need to understand their difficulties and their ways of communicating.What is (SLCN)? The term speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) encompass a wide range of difficulties related to all aspects of communication in children and tender people. These? can include difficulties with fluency, forming sounds and words, formulating sentences, understanding what others say, and using language socially. Bercow, J. (2008) The Bercow Report A Review of Services for Children and Young People (0-19) with Speech, lyric poem and Communication Needs, p. 13. Put simply, children and young people with SLCN find it difficult to communicate with others.This can be beca recitation of difficulties with speech, with talking, with und erstanding what is said to them or with interacting with other people around them. How well adults understand SLCN can have a really important effect on the impact SLCN make on children and young peoples lives. For some, language is the only hassle they have everything? else, like their cognitive and physical skills are ok. This can be called a primary or specific speech, language or communication difficultness or impairment. You may hear the term SLI (specific language impairment).For others, their SLCN are part of another condition. This can include things like learning difficulties, autism and hearing impairment. SLCN can be very severe and complex. The impacts for children and young people can be felt across all areas of their learning and development. Some children and young people have slight severe forms of SLCN. This may be called delayed speech, language and communication. Children and young people are developing speech, language and communication in the same way? as oth ers, following typical patterns of development, but at a slower rate.Defining Speech, Language and Communication Speech refers to, saying sounds accurately and in the right places in words speaking fluently, without hesitating, or prolonging or repeating words or sounds. Language refers to speaking and understanding what is been said using words to build up sentences, sentences to build up conversations and longer stretches of spoken words and making sense of what people say. Language is used to represent concepts and thoughts. Communication refers to how we interact with others Communication is a vital and continuing process.It is the means by which all humans make contact, share experiences, understand their world and find their place within it. Why are speech, language and communication skills important? Speech, language and communication skills are the building blocks for learning. Children use their seeledge of sounds in learning to read and spell. They use the words they know to understand what they hear, to share what they think and to ask questions. These words and concepts are vital for making sense of new information or ideas that they are finding out about.Children and young peoples interactions at school with adults and their peers are crucial in supporting their learning. Research has shown that in areas of social disadvantage, at least 50% of children have delayed language. (Locke, A. , Ginsborg, J. , and Peers, I. 2002) however, its important to note that children and young people from all areas and backgrounds can have delayed language. Clinical Pragmatics reflects an emerging awareness that some communication difficulties could not be attributed to purely linguistic problems.For a long time before that, practicing speech and language therapists had worked with children and adults whose primary difficulties seemed to lie with the understanding and/or production of connected discourse. (Relevance Theory and Communication Disorders Eeva Leinonen and Nuala Ryder, 2008. ) Communication is the basis of our lives and we would in this day and age, be handicapped without it. Everyday we are communicating with each other in some way or another, be it by using words, actions or even expressions in conveying a message.Communication refers to the qualify of thoughts and ideas with the intention of conveying information. The purpose of communication is to convey ones beliefs, ideas, thoughts, or needs with clarity so as to reach a consensus or a mutually acceptable solution. But there are factors that can either hinder or help us communicate effectively or not they can be physical or non- physical. The Physical- refers to the environment surrounding the participants in the communication process for example (good) good ventilation, chairs and other materials are mightily arrange, temperature is set just right, the place or venue is presentable.. tc. (bad) a very noisy place, air pollution, the place is very dirty and the materials f or the event is not justly arrange, poor ventilation and extreme temperature.Non physical- negative attitudes of both source and receiver are barriers to effective communication this comes in the form of disinterest, bigotry, arrogance, or negligence. Facilitating effective communication among children with SLCN A communication friendly environment should make communication as easy, effective and enjoyable as possible. It should provide opportunities for everyone to talk, listen, understand and take part.There are also simple ways you can make your classroom communication friendly. This might include thinking about Space, light and layout? , Noise levels? , use visual support? , Clear and consistent routines Whatever age you teach, whatever your subject, language is crucial. How many new words do you use in one day? How much do your classes talk with each other, work in groups or share what they have done with the rest of the class? How do you use language to instruct, explain, qu estion and extend? How much written language is there too?The Cambridge Primary Review states the ways in which teachers talk to children can specify learning, memory, understanding and the motivation to learn. The first step in identifying a pupil? who has SLCN is by someone noticing that they are struggling with their communication. As a teacher, you have a crucial role in being the someone who spots these difficulties. Some ways to help improve communication? are using simple language? Use short chunks of language and only include the important points repeat and rephrase where necessary slow your speech and insert more pauses ? se shorter sentences? and, neutralize difficult words.This will support the communication development t? of all children and young ? people but for some, more specialist interventions will be compulsory by suitably qualified and experienced professionals e. g. SLTs and specialist teachers. This might be through a recognized programme such? as the Nuff ield Dyspraxia Programme, Language ? through reading or social ? use of Language Programme, or through a combination of approaches tailored to suit the individual child. Communication may be supported through AAC ? uch as signing, use of low- tech strategies such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or an electronic vocalisation output device. This will also mean that adults supporting these children will need specialist skills and training. Conclusion With the right support at the right time, children and young people with SLCN can have their needs understood, identified and supported. This will enable them to engage positively with learning and socializing, to develop independence and a positive self-image and to experience a wide range of life chances.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Chinese dream and my dream Essay
There would be no new China without the Communist Party, Ive heard of this saying since I was a little child. From then on, the Communist Party has left a deep and giant impression on me. China makes great progress under the leaders of the Communist Party which has always been the whimsey of China. Ive been told that it would be a great honor to be a party member. So now I am a party member and the Chinese belief becomes my genuine belief. However, as growing up, I begin to wonder whether all the party members notify regard the Communist party as their belief all the time and whether they are doing the things the party member should do.The answer is so disappointed. The power of Chinese belief and the awareness of Chinese batch of supporting the belief are becoming weaker and weaker. China needs a firm and strong advocate of the belief. Many people crapper establish the belief of becoming a party member, but they cant follow their original belief all the lifetime. Gradually they recidivate themselves in the debauchery lives and they forget what they have said under the flag. Other people without party affiliation are harder to see their own belief clearly.A nation without definite belief is lamentable and horrible because it can be easily destroyed by the outside rumor. Chinese dream of need a power to hold the belief is the same as my dream. We are facing the similar situation. It is easy for me to set up a goal, but I cant carry out the goal from beginning to end. Sometimes the obstacles or the outside environment make me give up the goal. I lack the perseverance. I lack the power to hold the goal. I m a member of the Communist Party, but Im not true of the name for the originator Ive mentioned above.After many years, I m afraid of becoming the kind of person I disliked before. I m afraid of losing myself in the busy world. I m afraid of forget all the dream and belief made when I was young. I really need the power to tending me hold the belief. China is developing and I m growing. We all share the same dream. China needs the citizens to awaken themselves and I need the self-awakening. The glamour of the clear must be very vulnerable. We should be tested by the time. Only holding the belief all the time can we go further towards the success. Chinese dream is my dream. Hoping the dream comes true.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Animal Euthanasia
To Kill or Not To Kill In the past a few(prenominal) decades, at that place has been a big uproar regarding the topic of euthanasia in dogs. Euthanasia utilize to be a term used to end the scathe of a life by putting them in a painless and permanent state of sleep. I believe that today, the term euthanasia when referred to dogs has transformed to a word used to justify the mass murder of dogs across the world. Most people pull up stakes agree that the only time a dog should be put down is when it is sick or paroxysm from pain. I believe that if a dog is euthanized for any other reason, the person in control is punish satisfactory of committing an abominable act.They do not c all(prenominal) dogs mans best friend for nothing. With proper training, every single dog has the potential of making a good fireside pet and becoming an important part of an owners life. Most dogs that are being euthanized each year are not even suffering from any illnesses and are not aggressive either . They are just unlucky. The reasoning that is given by these nurtures committing these vile acts is that there is an overpopulation of dogs in their shelters and not enough homes for all of them so they have no choice.The problem with this picture is the fact that many of these shelters breed dogs for the sole purpose of having them sold. Many of these dogs are being sold for sums headspring over a thousand dollars. The dogs that they are not able to shift are move to shelters. These shelters fill up quickly because of these breeders who stinkert sell their dogs and can only take what they have room for and can manage which leads to these breeders euthanizing their extra dogs, many times in the convenience of their own backyards.They figure that it be them a lot less to murder their unsold dogs then the expenses they pay to take care of them while they wait for them to be sold. In the United States, an estimated 4 to 6 cardinal dogs are euthanized in shelters each year. Pete Wedderburn, editor of Small Animal, separates Its very disappointing that after all the noise that is made more or less how appalling it is, nothing changes. Unfortunately, not everyone will agree with the fact that euthanasia amongst dogs should only take place when the dog is suffering from pain or terminally ill.Joy Leney and Jenny Remfy mention in their book Dogs, zoonoses, and public health why dog population management is necessary and very important. In their book they say Some people love dogs. Some people hate them. Some dogs are mans best friends. Others, or sometimes the same ones, are sources of injury, accident, disease and pollution. (299) Dogs can breed and multiply their way outs very quickly but the breeding is not their fault. It is the fault of the breeder for breeding them in govern to sell them.Once they are not sold, they either become stray dogs and usually end up being killed in the future or are sent to be killed unspoilt away. I believe that this i s very inhumane. Leney and Remfy continue to speak more or less the methods used to kill these dogs are beginning to be too dear(p) because of transportation and drugs needed so kill shelters and breeders have come out with cheaper ways to get rid of their extra dogs. These new methods include ovens and gas put up where they throw in large amounts of dogs at a time to be killed in order to save time and money.It makes me shiver how anyone who is responsible for these mass murders can live with their despicable acts. A simple solution to lower these rates of dogs being euthanized and to take control of the overpopulation of dogs is to alter the majority of dogs. Most shelters and tool organizations castrate dogs for no charge as well as give vaccines needed to prevent diseases from being transmitted. By altering dogs, the rate of dogs reproduced each day will drastically decrease. Each day 10,000 humans are born in the U. S. and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born.As l ong as these birth rates exist, there will never be enough homes for all the animals. Early age altering of dogs (6-14 weeks) has been practiced for over 25 years in North America. The comprehend high cost of altering is not the problem since many shelters will happily do it for detached. The problem is the lack of education dog owners have about altering their dogs. If the benefits were understood, more people would be altering their dogs. Euthanasia should be thought upon and observed very carefully before being put to use.It used to be a treatment but is now mostly used as a weapon to kill. . In the Irish Veterinary Journal, Pete Wedderburn believes the government ought to ascend with compulsory micro chipping, a license for life and a discounted license fee for neutered pets (Wedderburn 530). This is one way to really help lower the number of dogs being euthanized. Furthermore, it will be thought upon twice before euthanizing a dog since the dog is now neutered and will not b e able to produce more dogs. Not allowing a dog to reproduce may be a bit cruel but a big stones throw towards lowering the kill rate.Having the dog micro chipped and placed inside a database will also help influence the decision of a shelter or breeder of whether or not to put down a dog. There are numerous pet owners surrendering their dog due to personal reasons and inadequacy in taking responsibility for their dogs. This also adds to the overpopulation of dogs. According to a survey conducted by the American Humane Association, out of the 1000 shelters who responded to the survey, 2. 7 million of 4. 3 million animals (64 percent) are being euthanized. Out of this euthanized number, 56 percent are dogs.Majority of the animals in shelters were being euthanized since there is a standard period of time, ranging from several days to weeks, for unclaimed stray animals. However, there are no kill shelters run by private and animal welfare organizations. This alone is part of the solut ion to end the overpopulation of dogs. These no kill shelters make it an official policy never to euthanize animals unless its for medical reasons. If overcrowding is really an issue, then it may be necessary to send dogs to other shelters alternatively of murdering them.I am sure there are many animal cruelty prevention organizations that will be willing to take these dogs in and finding them a foster home until they are removeed into a permanent household. This will lower the rate of dogs being killed, give the dog a better life, and be a much more humane thing to do. In the book Redemption The Myth of Pet Overpopulation and the No Kill Revolution in America, the fountain Nathan J. Winograd writes The decision to end an animals life is an extremely serious one, and should always be treated as such.No matter how many animals a shelter kills, each and every animal is an individual, and each deserves individual consideration. And finally, to meet the challenge that No Kill entails, shelter leadership needs to get the community excited, to awake people for the task at hand. By working with people, implementing lifesaving programs, and treating each life as precious, a shelter can transform a community. (Winograd 22-31, 229) The programs Winograd is referring to include free spay/neuter, rescue groups, foster cares, pet retention, medical and behavioral programs, ommunity involvement, volunteers and a compassionate director to control the friendly shelter. Winograd calls this the No Kill Equation. I bustt quite agree with Winograd that this equation is the key solution to lower the rate of dogs euthanized each year. I think that there are much easier and more efficient ways to lower the rates. It will take too long for all community shelters across the country to set up these programs in their communities. The right way to do this is to hire lobbyists to fight for the no kill shelters and animal welfare organizations and push the passing of a law against eut hanasia on estimable dogs.All dog owners should be taught the benefits of neutering their dogs. The usage of microchips should be implemented by all shelters in order to manage the population of dogs. For every single animal euthanized in a shelter, there is a person outside of that shelter responsible for it. The responsibility to keep shelters from euthanizing animals lies with each of us as pet owners. If we adopt through rescue, choose a good match, spay and neuter, and keep our animals for their lifetimes, the shelters will be near empty, not overfull, and euthanasia can become a disaster of the past.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Why does Prager say that ââ¬Åsuddenly a lot of things made senseââ¬Â when she discovered that Barbie was designed by a man? Is she referring here only to Barbieââ¬â¢s looks?
Emily had doubts whether the Barbie Doll could take hold been designed by a woman. Barbies body by proportion, a 23-inch waist personal line of credit and 39-inch bust line is unrealistic, and no woman could have this body. She notes millions of wo manpower facing eating disorders after trying to achieve bodies sexy as Barbies.Hence, she found sense that a man could have designed Barbie. Men are often blamed by feminists for their double standards against wo workforce. As part of the gender inequality in society, women are defined by their sexuality and beauty, while men are not.Thus, Barbie was designed as someone epitomized to have the perfect, sexual body. 2. Are we supposed to believe the claims that Prager makes in paragraph 4? What is the point she is trying to make? Paragraph four states I dont mean to step on anyones toes here. I loved my Barbie. Secretly, I still believe that nor-east pink and turquoise blue are the only colors in which to decorate a duplex condo. And li ke many others of my generation, Ive never married, simply because I cannot find a man who looks as good in clam diggers as Ken.Ms. Prager emphasizes that, middling like most of girls, she loved her Barbie dolls. The miniature houses coming with those dolls were in pink and turquoise. She remembered her fantasies as a child playing with Barbies, and meeting the man of her dreams, someone as perfect as Ken. The point Ms. Prager is trying make is that just like all other women she was enamored with Barbie dolls as a kid. She clarifies shes not trying to confront with Barbie fans as she was a fan herself. 3. What is Pragers translation of a feminist in this essay?Where do you find this definition? According to Ms. Prager, Barbie came about simultaneously with her consciousness of the feminist movement. She defines feminist in her essays as women seeking equality with men. Women, many feminists have complained, are treated by men as sexual objects, or objects themselves. They are just the object of mens desires. With the Barbie doll, who has the perfect figure, women end up wasting a lifetime trying to achieve a perfect figure, to no avail. 4. What is Pragers Thesis. Ms.Pragers thesis is to eliminate our double standards in gender. She asserts that women should not be devalued, oppressed, and or treated as mere objects. She cites, among other things, Kens genitals being out of sight while Barbies exposed to the fullest. She adds women are required to achieve a perfect figure, while men are not. She insists women should be treated like men in the real world, i. e. defined by their education, their work, or how they help society. The same standards for men and women should be set.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Three Ways of Being with Technology
Three Ways Of Being-with engine room by Carl Mitcham Introduction Mitcham talks about the relations among engineering science and benevolentity. He starts with the chicken-and-egg question Which is primary- humaneity or knowledge? What exactly is happening? Is it that we influence the technology or is it so happening that the technology is mold our morals and us? At this point he quotes one and only(a) of the Winston Churchill quotations that We shape our buildings and in that locationafter they shape us .Then he tries to answer this question by saying it is a mutual relationship in between these two but even the mutual relationship take different forms. He then proposes a cardinal federal agencys of being with the technology and takes the whole document on structural analysis of the three forms. Ancient Skepticism The articulation of a relationship between worldly concern and technics in the soonest forms when say boldly is technology (that is, the study of technics) is necessary but desperate.Technics, according to these myths, although to some extent inevitable by humanity and thus on occasion a cause for legitimate celebration, easily turns against the human by severing it from some larger reality a severing that can be march in a failure of faith or shift of the will, a refusal to rely on or go for God or the gods, whether manifested in reputation or in Providence. Ethical arguments in certify of this distrust or uneasiness about technical activities can be detected in the earliest strata of Western philosophy.Socrates considered farming, the least technical of the arts, to be the or so philosophical of occupations. This idea of agriculture as the most virtuous of the arts, one in which human technical live up to tends to be kept within becoming limits, is repeated by representatives of the philosophical tradition as diverse as Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and Thomas Jefferson. Socrates argues that because of the overbearing im portance of the ethical and political issues, human beings should non all toldow themselves to become preoccupied with scientific and proficient pursuits.Socrates argues that human beings should determine for themselves how to perform their actions and therefore should not depend on god for help in counting, measuring or weighing whose consequences are nonetheless hidden. In the Intellectual Auto Biography of Socrates, he explained how he turned a representation from natural science because of the cosmological and moral confusion it tends to engender. Never did he speculate on the cosmos of the sophists or the necessities of the heavens but declared those who worried about such(prenominal) matters were foolish.The classical greek culture was shot through with a distrust of the wealth and the affluence that the technai or arts could produce if not kept within strict limits. Socrates explains what is important is moderation. He explains that under the check of affluence human bein gs tend to become accustomed to ease and thus to chose less over the more than than perfect. He explains Once drugs are available as palliatives, for instance, most individuals will choose them for the alleviation of suffering over the more strenuous paths of physical hygiene or psychological enlightenment. Which is very true in the modern con text than to that current in athens that scarcely need to be mentioned. some other aspect of this tension between politics and technology is on the dangers of technical change. In the words of Adeimantus, with whom Socrates in this instance evidently agrees, once change has established itself as normal in the arts, it overflows its bounds into human character and activity and from there issues forth to attack commercial affairs, and then proceeds against the laws and political orders.Technological change, which demoralises the potential of custom and habit, thus tends to introduce violence into the state. This should be taken more seriou s with the experience in the 20th century. Eros or love, by contrast, is oriented toward the higher or the stronger it seeks out the good and strives for transcendence. And the individual who is versed in such matters is said to have spiritual wisdom, as meetd to the wisdom of one with technai or low-grade handicraft skills Its the person with the spiritual wisdom that the love is oriented to.The superannuated critique of technology thus rests on a tightly woven, ivfold argument (1) the will to technology or the technological intention often involves a turning away from faith or trust in nature or Providence (2) technical affluence and the concomitant processes of change tend to undermine individual striving for excellence and societal stability (3) technological knowledge likewise draws human beings into conference with the world and obscures transcendence (4) technical objects are less real than objects of nature.This pre-modern attitude looks on technics as dangerous or gui lty until proven innocent or necessary and in any case, the burden of make lies with those who favor technology not those who would restraint it, because this way of being with technology views it with perplexity. reason Optimism This is a radically different way of being with technology it shifts the burden of proof from those who favor to those who oppose the introduction of inventions in the name of enlightenment.Aspects of this idea or attitude are not without pre-modern adumbration. This idea is offshoot fully articulated in the writings of Francis Bacon at the time of renaissance. Unlike Socrates Bacon maintains that God has given humanity a clear mandate for the change i. e. the technical change. Technical consequences are all cut subject with an optimistic hope and the consequences of such actions are treated as mere accidents. We all deemed to form in the image of god are all transported to create and the art plays the primary role in this.Formed in the image and lik eness of God, human beings are called on to be creators to abjure that vocation and act on instead an unproductive discourse on ethical dilemmas. Bacon indeed claims that not applying new remedies must expect new evils. The kingdom of man founded by sciences is none other than the kingdom of heavens. It is important to understand that Bacon and Socrates relates to individually other in pro- and anti- technology partisans. Technical action is circumscribed by uncertainty or risk.Bason doesnt evaluate technical projects on their individual merits, but simply asserts/affirms the technology. It is important to pursue technological action irrespective of the dangerous consequences. The uncertainty of the technological actions is jettisoned in the name of revelation. Bacon argues that the inventions of printing, gunpowder, and the compass have done more to benefit humanity than all the philosophical debates and political reforms have done to the human kind passim history.The distinctly modern way of being-with technology may be articulated in terms of four interrelated arguments (1) the will to technology is ordained for humanity by God or by nature (2) technological activity is morally beneficial because, while stimulating human action, it ministers to physical needs and increases sociability (3) knowledge acquired by a technical closure with the world is more true than abstract theory and (4) nature is no more real than artifice indeed, it operates by the same principles.Romantic Uneasiness The pre modern way of being with technology effectively limited the rapid technical expansions in the west for approximately 2000 years. The proximate causes of this radical transformation were, of course, legion geographic, economic, political, military and scientific and the author questions then what brought all such factors in concert in England to engender a new way of life. Romanticism is what came out from this yelling for change.This paved the way for the new way o f being with the technology, one that can be identified as with ancient skepticism or modern optimism but tries to be neutral by accepting change but cover uneasiness towards the change. Mitcham argues that the Romanticism is a form of questioning. On the ancient view, technology was seen as a turning away from God or the gods. On the modern view, it is ordained by God or, with the Enlightenment rejection of God, by nature. With the romantics the will to technology either remains grounded in nature or is cut free from all extra-human determination.In the former instance, however, nature is reconceived not just as mechanistic movement but as an extreme striving toward creative development and expression. William Wordsworth tries to demonstrate the same thing through his poems. In which he graduation exercise shows exult over intellectual mastery and inventions and then in the following poems looks back and grieves over the gigantic change that happened because of inventions and t he outrage done to the nature. Then he writes how unpropped are these arts and high inventions.Rousseau argues the need for actions, not words, and approves the initial achievements of the Renaissance in freeing humanity from a barren medieval Scholasticism. He argues that the ending is better than inaction. He then points out to a paradox that turning against technology but in the name of ideals that are at the heart of technology. In with the way of romantic way of being with technology, there is a paradox. There is a certain ambivalence built in to this attitude. The attitude itself has not been take whole-hearted way by the modern culture.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Pop Music Magazine Comparison
The powder magazines that be being compared are two different styles of magazines. One is a pop band magazine and the other is rock. The pile in these magazines stereo vitrine the word HAMMER it shows the long hair and shouting into the microphone. The other magazine stereotypes nice change state and nice hair. The people who read this magazine are emulators they look up to these people and will go at and wear what they wear. They act how they act. The aim of the magazine is to persuade the readers to go out and buy their CDs. The vauntingly hammer font connotes heavy metal and banging. They use hooks to try and get the buyers attention want free CD or free posters. The use of language is completely different, one says SCREW THE CRITICS and the other is blueish ARE BACK This shows one that is abusive and the other is more formal. There is a close up on blue then there is a long shot of Gareth Gates.The Brat Awards.The institution is The Brat Awards. Presenters where steal Car penter and Ashley Curtis, Rob Carpenter represented himself as a typical presenter. He was slick and undisturbed he kept the show moving he was very confident. The audience where famous people they were drunk. foolishness against the vending machine as well as cool to come up and collect their award. The literary musical genre was rock. If I was too improve the award ceremony I would have a different location.Pop Band Comparison.The swelled Brovas are attracting a teenage audience. They connote gangsters, ghettos and rude boys. They are doing this to attract a certain type audience e.g. townies. The institution of Big Brovas is Top Of The Pops. They represent themselves as rude boys when they are probably not at all like in real life. Compared to the Darkness they are a lot in my legal opinion because the Darkness uses high-pitched voices. The tight trousers they wear connote this. Big Brovas convent swaying and bopping up and down. The Darkness convent jumping up and down a nd a lot of movement. The Darkness institution is Top Of The Pops. Their audience would be older than teenagers. They represent themselves as squalid people e.g. ripped vests long hair and tight trousers.Pop melodyThe name of the act is Girls Aloud. They are a group of girlish women who came from the institution of pop stars. The name of the margin call is life got cold. They use white habilitate and white make-up to connotes the word cold. They are a pop band whose audience is mainly young girls. They represent themselves as very nicely dressed attractive women.The name of the act is Good Charlotte. The song name is The Anthem. The audience is knightly people, he attracts an audience with a rebellious look. The institution is Top Of The Pops. The genre is punk and rock.The act is Lemar. The song is dance. Lemar is a male pop singer. His image is clean cut and nicely dressed. The audience varies. The institution is pop stars.Radio Advert.Clients Name WoolworthWriter Steven Bri esnerDuration UnknownMusic draw back sound from Ed, Edd n EddySFX Door SlammingSFX FootstepsMale Voice Perfect boys youve just recorded your front number one. Now lets show the people out there this brilliant song.Music Loud WhistlingMVO Thats Brilliant.MVO2 Your Right and its available now at Woolworths.MVO3 At the great price of 2.49MVO4 Woolworths were worth it.Popular MusicThis magazine aims to entertain people as David Bowie is a singer from the older generation older people who look at this may laugh from fond memories of their youth the magazine does this well with the main stimulate of David Bowie. The genre of this magazine is heavy metal/rock this was the fashion when David Bowie was a popular singer. This magazine would be for people with special interests in this sort of music. The font and style of writing tells the audience what sort of genre this is has a black background and a man with white make-up on which signals a genre of the gothic nature.It hooks are thing s that are on in todays magazine like Brand newfound collectors record section I dont think they use hooks very well in this magazine because it isnt really anything good in the offer. the only main colours used is black and white, the white make-up connotes the gothic genre. The main feature is a close-up (c.u) of David Bowie. He is stereotyping the typical grunger who is always in a depressive state. The ideology of the magazine is they believe in sucide and stuff many famous gothic stars have been known to go into a depressive state and commit suicide.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
External Factors Affecting Organizational Structure
surround The surround is the world in which the organization operates, and includes conditions that mildew the organization such(prenominal) as economic, social-cultural, legal-political, technological, and natural milieu conditions. Environments argon often described as all st commensurate or dynamic. ? Stable environment customers desires are well understood remains consistent for a relatively long time Examples of organizations that face relatively stable environments include manufacturers of staple items such as detergent, cleaning supplies, and paper products. mechanistic social systems to be advantageous This system provides a level of efficiency that enhances the long-run performances of organizations that enjoy relatively stable operating environments ? Dynamic environment Customers desires are continuously changingthe arctic of a stable environment This condition is often thought of as turbulent the technology that a connection uses while in this environment m ay need to be continuously improved and updated An practice session of an industry functioning in a dynamic environment is electronics.Technology spays become competitive pressures for all electronics industries, because as technology changes, so do the desires of consumers. organic structure provides the greatest benefits This structure allows the organization to respond to environment change to a greater extent proactively. Organizations are at present increasingly designed to be more organic now days. The HR Organizational building has to fit to bleak challenges born in the external environment. All the authorized and influencing people speak about(predicate) the changes in the business world, as the current recession seems to be adept of the worst recessions ever.The counseling the business was done will be discontinued and youthful business moral philosophy and modernistic business rules will be born. In Recession for example HRM Organizational Structure should be as conciliatory as possible, the HRM Employees should be really aware of the needs of the organization and they should be able to help the organization to survive the recession victoriously. The HRM Organizational Structure Adjustment has to be based on the detailed analysis of the needs of the organization in the recession. Companies that nurture flexibility, awareness, and resilience are more presumable to survive the crisis, and even to prosper.McKinsey-2009 Technology Advances in technology are the to the highest degree frequent cause of change in organizations since they generally result in greater efficiency and lower costs for the firm. Technology is the way tasks are accomplished using tools, equipment, techniques, and human know-how. By using tools, equipment and strategy, technology helps workers accomplish their core tasks at a quicker pace. If a lodge has the appropriate organizational structure blended with the right technology, it piece of tail attain organiza tional success.Joan Woodward found that the right combination of structure and technology were critical to organizational success. In her book Industrial Organization Theory and Practice (1965), the English management scholar classified threesome categories of core-manufacturing technology ? Small-batch output signal Used to manufacture a variety of custom, do-to-order goods. Each item is made somewhat differently to meet a customers specifications by the skills of the workers who work together in weensy groups. A print shop is an example of a business that uses small-batch production. Appropriate structure for this type is deconcentrate and flexible It works well in organic structure ? Mass production Automated machines are use that is programmed to make advanced volumes of standard products. Its used to create a large number of homogeneous goods in an assembly-line system. Workers are highly dependent on one a nonher, as the product passes from play to stage until c ompletion. Equipment may be sophisticated, and workers often follow detailed instructions while performing simplified jobs. Example-A caller that bottles soda pop It works well in rigid structure as has routine tasks baronial structure or mechanistic structures is the best choice for workers who must perform repetitive tasks. ? perpetual-process production stimulate goods by continuously feeding raw materials, such as liquid, solids, and gases, through a highly machine-driven system. Such systems are equipment intensive, only when freighter often be operated by a relatively small labor force. Examples-automated chemical plants and oil refineries. A flexible structure is necessary to allow workers to react right away to unexpected problems. It works well in organic structures The early(a) Technology factor that determines organizational structure is- ?IT-Knowledge management the sharing and integrating expertise within and between functions and portions through real time interrelated IT that allows for new kinds of task and reporting relationships. CITATION 1. (CliffsNotes. com. Factors Affecting Organizational Design. 29 Oct 2010 . Read morehttp//www. cliffsnotes. om/WileyCDA/study_guide/Factors-Affecting-Organizational-Design. topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8881. hypertext mark-up language? citation=trueixzz13mZtlnHJ 2. Ref- HRM Organizational Structure HRM Advice Blog Adjustments in Recession http//hrmadvice. com/blog/2008/12/30/hrm-organizational-structure-adjustments-recession/ Technology/Task Consider check processing at a bank. This activity is usually performed by a business unit that is highly formalise, has a great serve of specialization and division of labor, and high centralization of decision-making.In contrast, the creative section of an ad agency is usually not formalized at all, the division of labor is often blurry, and it is highly decentralized. It appears that certain activities naturally go with certain structures. Joan Woodward found that by subtle an organizations primary system of production, you could predict their structure Unit production/small batch. Companies that make one-of-a-kind custom products, or small quantities of products (e. g. , ship grammatical construction, aircraft manufacture, furniture maker, tailors, printers of engraved wedding invitation, surgical teams). In these companies, typically, peoples skills and knowledge is more of the essence(predicate) than the the machines used. relatively expensive to operate work process is unpredictable, hard to pre-program or automate. Flat organization (few levels of hierarchy). chief executive pipicer has low span of control (direct reports). Relatively low percentage of managers Organic structure (seehandout) Mass production/large batch. Companies that sell huge volumes of identical products (e. g. , cars, razor blades, aluminum cans, toasters). Make heavy use of mechanization and assembly lines.Typically, bigger than sma ll batch Taller hierarchies bottom level is huge (supervisor span of control is 48) Relatively greater number of managers (because hierarchy is so tall) Mechanistic, bureaucratic structure Relatively cheap to operate Continuous Production. Primarily companies that refine liquids and powders (e. g. , chemical companies, oil refineries, bakeries, dairies, distilleries/breweries, electric power plants). Machines do everything, reality just manage the machines and plan changes. These organizations are tall and thin or even inverted pyramid almost zero at the bottom At the very top on that point is an organic structure Lower levels more mechanistic, but because machines do everything, there is not much paper work, low level supervision, etc. dolly Perrow 67 looked at how the frequency and type of exceptions that occurred during production affected structure. Two types of exceptions (a) can be solved via orderly, uninflected search process (like mechanic fixing car), (b) no a nalytic framework, rely on intuition, guesswork (like advertising, film-making, coalition research). Few Exceptions Many Exceptions Un-analyzable pottery, specialty glass, motel room artwork plumbing film making aerospace (non routine research) computing machine technical support (craftwork) tasks that no one really knows how to do work on routine work, but when problems crop up, it is hard intuition, implicit knowledge to figure what to do Analyzable routine, like screws (routine manufacturing) custom machinery, building dams (engineering the few problems that occur are usually easy to production) understand the application of well-known principles and technologies to lots of new and different situations It turns out that bottom left organizations (analyzable and few exceptions) tend to be highly centralized and formalized in short, bureaucracies. Bureaucracies are the best possible organizational form when the task is well-understood, and how to best execut e it can be specified in advance.At the other extreme, the top right organizations (unanalyzable and many exceptions) are not well handled by bureaucracies. There are so many exceptions and new situations that having a set of formal procedures which peg down how to handle every situation is out of the question. Organizations in this box tend to be highly decentralized and use informal means of coordination and control. The reasons have to do with human bounded rationality. (Bounded rationality refers to the fact that since humans have limited brain capacity, we cannot always find the absolute optimal solution to a presumption problem we only have the time and capacity to consider a few possible solutions, and recognize the best among those. But we cant consider all possible solutions. Really complex systems are difficult to pre-plan there are too many contingencies. We simply cant figure it all out. Need to allow for real-time, flexible adjustment. Environment Adaptation Organiz ations actively adapt to their environments. For example, organizations facing complex, highly uncertain environments typically differentiate so that to each(prenominal) one organizational unit is facing a smaller, more certain problem. for example, if Japanese tastes in cars are preferably different from American tastes, it is really hard to make a single car that appeals to both markets. It is easier to create two separate business units, one that makes cars for the Japanese market, and the other that makes cars for the US market. Natural SelectionOrganizations whose structures are not fitted to the environment (which includes other organizations, communities, customers, governments, etc. ) will not perform well and will fail. Most new organizations fail within the first few years. If the environment is stable, this selection process will lead to most organizations being well-adapted to the environment, not because they all changed themselves, but because those that were not we ll-adapted will have died off. Dependence The economy is a giant network of organizations linked by buying and selling relationships. Every play along has suppliers (inputs) and customers (outputs). Every company is dependent on both their suppliers and their customers for resources and money.To the extent that a company needs its suppliers less than they need it, the company has power. That is, power is a function of asymmetric mutual dependence. Dependence is itself a function of the availability of preference supply. A depends on B to the extent that there are few alternatives to B that are for sale to A. Dependence is also a function of how much A needs what B has got. If the Post Its company starts to play hardball with you, and there are no good alternatives, its still not a big deal because Post Its are just not that important. Organizations that have power over others are able to implement elements of structure on them.For example, GM is famous for imposing accounting sys tems, cost controls, manufacturing techniques on their suppliers. The sets of entities in an organizations environment that play a role in the organizations health and performance, or which are affected by the organization, are calledstakeholders. Stakeholders have interests in what the organization does, and may or may not have the power to cast the organization to protect their interests. Stakeholders are varied and their interests may coincide on some issues and not others. indeed you find stakeholders both cooperating with each other in alliances, and competing with each other. pic inscribe 1. Unconnected stakeholders.When stakeholders are foreign to each other (as in Figure 1), the organization usually has an easier time of playing the different parties off one another. For example, it can represent its goals and needs differently to each stakeholder, without fear of being found out. Or, such competitive stakeholders into outbidding each other (e. g. , a university can tel one alumnus that another alumnus is about to give a huge donation). Furthermore, when the stakeholders are unconnected, they cannot coordinate their efforts, and so have trouble controlling the organization. pic Figure 2. Well-connected stakeholders. In contrast, when the stakeholders are well-connected (as in Figure 2), the organization cannot represent itself differently to each one, or it will be found out.Furthermore, if the bonds among the stakeholders are closer than the bonds with the organization, the stakeholders may side with each other against the organization, and wont act in ways that negatively affect other stakeholders. Institutionalization Under conditions of uncertainty, organizations imitate others that appear to be successful. In other words, if nobody really knows what makes a movie successful, and thus somebody has a smash hit hit, everybody else copies the movie, and the organizational structure that produced the movie, hoping that they will get the same resu lts. This can cause whole industries to adopt similar structural features. One reason why this happens is the fear of litigation or simply blame.If several well-known, successful companies start adopting some new management style say, main(a) teams and you dont because you know its not appropriate for your company, and then things start to go wrong for your company, people will say see? you should have adopted self-governing teams. we told you so. So to avoid that, if the top companies in a field all adopt some new style, then all the others do to to avoid being blamed. In addition, diffusion of ideas due to personnel exile and professional school training can create uniformity as well.RefOrganizational TheoryDeterminants of Structure Stephen P. Borgatti October 08, 2001 http//www. practical-management. com/Organization-Development/Organization-s-External-Environment. html
Friday, May 17, 2019
What is the Vatican II?
Vatican II is the last ecumenical council that the Roman Catholic church had. It is the barely council that the church organized for the past century up to now. Ecumenical councils are held every time the Church feels there are things to be settled within its institution. It is attended by Bishops around the world. Not to be mislead by its name, Vatican II is not a continuation of Vatican I rather, it is a new council give to resolving new issues.Since this council is held almost half a century ago, maybe it is about time for the Church to finally hold another one, not necessarily to settle new issues, but just to transgress the overall status of the Christian world, especially with the advent of stem cell research and the continuing issues of receive control. Besides, things today are definitely different from what they were forty or fifty years ago.The council of Vatican II focus on issues on liturgy, the Church, scripture and divine revelation, and the role of the Bishops. The council produced documents regarding these topics, plus twelve more topics that they discussed in the council. adverse to the previous councils which were held primarily because of the rise of false teachings, the Vatican II did not focus on persecuting heretic teachings. Thus, this council is believably the first of its kind.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
What should you do contiguous? What argon some of the options at your disposal to construe that you do non alienate your colleagues? As the budget is limited and the number of befuddles in question is multiple, further the trump projects which promise the maximum growth for the comp either basin be selected. As the CIO of the firm, my Job is to keep back the practicable managers happy and motivated at all times. At the same time I toilette non seduce a void amongst the sponsors and myself. This type of situation creates a dilemma and needs to be dealt tactfully.As a close step I would ) Conduct meetings with my functional managers and explain the situation such that there is no conversation gap created b) Create a plan with them to help effectively sell their project to the sponsors c) explain to them what make the other projects get selected over their projects. d) Help him identify what his project proposal lacked. 2) Are there every structural problems with the bud geting process at Performance Boards, Inc.? What improvements would you suggest for next yearif any? The achievement instrument panel is tied down for budget and they need to allocate budgets to different projects.However, at a fragmentizeicular time, not all projects potentiometer be fulfilled. Thus only the projects best suited towards the organizations growth can be undertaken in the limited budget. However, the organization should undertake projects which will help sales. Since it is a manufacturing firm, sales is an central part of their business line. An attach in sales will lead help the organizations growth and increase in tax tax income. Performance Boards Inc. should prioritize their pillars when it comes to IT development. Since the industry is digitizing, IT priority in all departments should be created.As a strategy for next year, I would a) Create a plan where the put projects could be prioritized. b) The project plans that are parked should simultaneously be worked upon to ensure that the plan is update as per industry. c) The departments which are the pillars of the organization and generate tax income should be put on the highest priority d) The departments which help in ensuring that the organization is still a advantageously clothe to work should be placed next. e) The CIO must appoint other managers to help the departments develop a sober project proposal which becomes difficult for the sponsors to ignore. The CIO should emphasize to the sponsors as to how long a particular(prenominal) project has been unbroken waiting and help the departmental projects get sanctioned. This will help him maintain relations with two the departmental managers and the sponsors. 1) Chargeback Chargeback is the mechanism by which a high society send outs for the amount of service that is provided by them. This model for revenue coevals is employ extensively in the cloud and Amazon runs it Web Services based on it. They charge a client for th e amount of resources that they consume on a monthly basis.For instance, a ustomer can proceed a virtual machine with amazon with a particular configuration at any time. The customer has the option to upgrade his subscription to a new one by paying the difference between the legal injury initially paid and the actual footing. By this, he gets an upgraded system. This is a classic example of a chargeback revenue model. 2) Allocation Allocation is a mechanism that many companies use to charge project teams for the go purchased by them. For instance, a confederacy like Accenture which is a service based company has various projects rails within.The company provides distributively team with a lot of infrastructure which is required for carrying out their tasks effectively. An example of this can be the helpdesk system which they have to provide assistance to the employees. The company charges the project team, a bushel price based on the number of employees on the project. Furth er, the project has to bear this appeal irrespective whether it is used by the employees or not. Further, the number of times the helpdesk system can be used is not fixed. The employees are free to use it as many times as they need. 3) OverheadThe distribution of equals incurred by the company to install information systems which are distributed equally to all departments are known as an disk budget items cost. Crouse infirmary in Syracuse went ahead to build an information system to maintain EMR. They had to bear the immaculate cost of this system which was internally borne by the various departments within the hospital. Whether it be the Cardiology department or the respiratory department, each department had to bear the same cost to get the EMR installed. This cost that was borne by the department was an overhead cost which was used to fund an information system.QuestionsWhat should you do next? What are some of the options at your disposal to ensure that you do not alienate your colleagues? As the budget is limited and the number of projects in question is multiple, only the best projects which promise the maximum growth for the company can be selected. As the CIO of the firm, my Job is to keep the functional managers happy and motivated at all times. At the same time I cannot create a void between the sponsors and myself. This type of situation creates a dilemma and needs to be dealt tactfully.As a next step I would ) Conduct meetings with my functional managers and explain the situation such that there is no communication gap created b) Create a plan with them to help effectively sell their project to the sponsors c) Explain to them what made the other projects get selected over their projects. d) Help him identify what his project proposal lacked. 2) Are there any structural problems with the budgeting process at Performance Boards, Inc.? What improvements would you suggest for next yearif any? The performance board is tied down for budget and they need to allocate budgets to different projects.However, at a particular time, not all projects can be fulfilled. Thus only the projects best suited towards the organizations growth can be undertaken in the limited budget. However, the organization should undertake projects which will help sales. Since it is a manufacturing firm, sales is an important part of their business line. An increase in sales will lead help the organizations growth and increase in revenue. Performance Boards Inc. should prioritize their pillars when it comes to IT development. Since the industry is digitizing, IT priority in all departments should be created.As a strategy for next year, I would a) Create a plan where the parked projects could be prioritized. b) The project plans that are parked should simultaneously be worked upon to ensure that the plan is update as per industry. c) The departments which are the pillars of the organization and generate revenue should be put on the highest priority d) The de partments which help in ensuring that the organization is still a good place to work should be placed next. e) The CIO must appoint other managers to help the departments develop a good project proposal which becomes difficult for the sponsors to ignore. The CIO should emphasize to the sponsors as to how long a particular project has been kept waiting and help the departmental projects get sanctioned. This will help him maintain relations with both the departmental managers and the sponsors. 1) Chargeback Chargeback is the mechanism by which a company charges for the amount of service that is provided by them. This model for revenue generation is used extensively in the cloud and Amazon runs it Web Services based on it. They charge a customer for the amount of resources that they consume on a monthly basis.For instance, a ustomer can start a virtual machine with amazon with a particular configuration at any time. The customer has the option to upgrade his subscription to a new one b y paying the difference between the price initially paid and the actual price. By this, he gets an upgraded system. This is a classic example of a chargeback revenue model. 2) Allocation Allocation is a mechanism that many companies use to charge project teams for the services purchased by them. For instance, a company like Accenture which is a service based company has various projects running within.The company provides each team with a lot of infrastructure which is required for carrying out their tasks effectively. An example of this can be the helpdesk system which they have to provide assistance to the employees. The company charges the project team, a fixed price based on the number of employees on the project. Further, the project has to bear this cost irrespective whether it is used by the employees or not. Further, the number of times the helpdesk system can be used is not fixed. The employees are free to use it as many times as they need. 3) OverheadThe distribution of co sts incurred by the company to install information systems which are distributed equally to all departments are known as an overhead cost. Crouse hospital in Syracuse went ahead to build an information system to maintain EMR. They had to bear the entire cost of this system which was internally borne by the various departments within the hospital. Whether it be the Cardiology department or the Respiratory department, each department had to bear the same cost to get the EMR installed. This cost that was borne by the department was an overhead cost which was used to fund an information system.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) - Coursework ExampleThe Social tuition theory argues that the tendencies to be involved in violent acts can be transmitted from one generation to the other. The Feminist Theory, on the other hand, argues that male dominance in the society has an overall effect on how relationships work and ar based (Jewkes, 2002).From an assessment point, violence may be caused by among other factors try on from the workplace or general hardships from life itself, partners who experienced child abuse are overly more than likely to be involved in violent acts, poverty is also a contributing factor (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995), Use of drugs and alcohol is also another factor that causes IPV. Children who score been raised in families that have genuinely strict family values and traditions are also likely to experience these bouts of violence (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995).From the case study, we can control a few things. Mrs. Jacques has been through violent lifestyle right from when she was young. Based on the description of her children that have been given, the Social Learning Theory has been extended to her children by her. In addition, her youngest son has been shown to exhibit violent look by being very rough with her siblings and when playing and not following instructions which are traits that are directly attributable to Mr. Jacques. In another case is that where we are shown of the feminist theory. Mrs. Jacques believes that she has to be very confirmative of her husband and believes that he is always right. Her mother also approves of this when she says that she should stay at home with the kids. Another self-reliance that has been made is where Mr. Jacques could have been violent as a result of work or his overuse of drugs. Mr. Jacques could also have come from a background that was overly strict and, thus, he might have carried frontward those attributes to his family.To be able to engage the family there should be a number of f actors to consider, such as the willingness of family members to be engaged. However, the first step should involve engaging the parents before heading to the kids who are obviously affected by the events in the family. Mr. Jacques needs to deal with his outbursts, get a job and also quit his drinking problem.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case Study - Assignment ExampleHackers power focus on a companys fiscal data to obtain its earnings forward being publicly released. Such knowledge might enable their profit by acquiring or dumping stock.Another threat to data security of a corporate firm is known as the advanced persistent threat. It predominantly involves stealing intellectual property and associates itself with state-sponsored espionage. The gains are not strictly financial because what is at venture is not only the intellectual property of the corporate entity but possibly the depicted object security. APT targets organisations and nations for economic and political motives. The Stuxnet worm graphic symbol in 2010 is an example of much(prenominal) a case (Plant 1). The Stuxnet worm infiltrated industrial control systems like those that manage water or power plants. Industries at risk include defence industries, financial industries and technology industries.Another potentially dangerous threat is hacktivism. The goal of the hackers in this type is creating or altering the public perception of the brand. For instance, the hackers might hack and get sensitive development about the company and disclose it the whole world especially if the company belongs to the private sector. An example of such a type of threat is WikiLeaks or the digital equivalent of Occupy Wall
Monday, May 13, 2019
Fualole's Song Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fualoles Song - Essay ExampleI joined the military at the get on with of eighteen and also had my first baby at that young age. These two events I think of as my first steps to growing up. Before then, I worked in McDonalds. Everybody sees the yellow arch, the red and yellow surroundings, the unshakable food and peradventure the smile but not the person who works there. I might unless have been anyone saying Enjoy your meal or Have a nice day. I was, and slake am, bubbly, friendly and outgoing, but cute and needed more. My family could not afford to send me to college, but I wanted to extend myself, to learn more, to find out what I could achieve and who I was. But at that time, my biography was dramatic play, I was a kid.I saw the armament as an opportunity to do something better. Early experiences of army life were a whole other world, one in which perfection and discipline ruled. Beds with sheets like juvenile fallen snow, boots black and shining as tar. Obedience to rul es, aching limbs and heavy backpacks, the tools that built physical and mental strength. Best of all was the sense of belonging, the teamwork and the realization that what I did mattered to others, my contribution was valued by my officers, company, division, regiment and country. In a short space of time, I was achieving a widerBut even these exciting discoveries could not comparing to giving birth to my beautiful baby. If blood, sweat and tears were put together, then that goes a little direction to explaining the experience. The tears were of joy, at such an accomplishment, at creating a life. Labor was nothing anyone could have prepared me for - the pain, volcanic at times, pushing and forcing me towards the hope of a prize. At eighteen years old, I had my first perceptiveness of the meaning of unconditional love, the beginning of mature responsibility. Nothing since has ever quite matched that experience, which made me more cognizant of the cycle of life and also, how impor tant it was for me to try to be the outgo for somebody I loved, who depended on me. A squally scrap of humanity captured my heart and opened my mind. It was no longer just about me, I had to sing a different tune now.In reflecting on myself, I looked at how I was forrader I took steps to better myself. Even as a young person, I worked hard and did my best in my job. I saw that I also liked to play hard, have fun with my friends, peradventure argue with my parents, and in truth, I did not care too much, so long as I had the money to enjoy myself and not to worry about responsibilities. I did not look further than having fun and getting along with everyone. At the same time, I was becoming more aware that I could maybe do better. I knew I was good with people, could always empathize and communicate and that I had a substantial will and values around hard work and striving to improve. These parts of me made me search for a way to grow and better myself in life, while searching for independence. They are what made me join the military, which as I said earlier, moved me a little further along the road to becoming a mature and independent woman, not a thoughtless girl, just drifting through life.Now I believe, I have reached that maturity and independence. I think for myself, I
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Comparison of state funding strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Comparison of state sustenance strategies - Essay ExampleRather, three major modalities are implemented. These are work-study, loans, and grant. The benefit is that it expands the number of beneficiaries as it addresses different areas of educational funding needs. On a yearly basis, an join of $5.35 billion is said to be spent in this regard. The new end comes to replace what was known as Robin Hood, and emerges with the benefit of allowing for better equitability, less divisiveness and better funding, all of which can be said to be the power of the new scheme. Figure 1 below shows how different students and institutions have made use of the funding scheme.Unlike Texas where the funding scheme is directly focused on the student spending to the tune of $5.35 billion, the scheme in New York looks more(prenominal) into the generation and issuance of grants to educational institutions. What this means is that even though this property is non-repayable, it must be contested for by interested educational institutions through grant writing (NYSED, 2014). Here, the strength that can be seen of the state funding scheme used in New York is that it allows for competitiveness among institutions, where more deserving institutions that can justify their course through the grant writing receive more. Comparing this to what prevails in Texas, however, a major loophole can be found when it comes to equitable distribution of the national cake. This is because through no fault of their own, there will be students who will be denied necessary state funding since their institutions cannot allure state authorities as to why their institutions should receive grants. It must be noted that students have twain direct and indirect benefits from state funds, including the savings made by parents on the payment of fees.Alabama, on the separate hand, has a very unique state funding scheme that is meant purposely for college students (Alabama Commission on higher(prenominal) Educa tion, 2013). Unlike the first two strategies discussed, this
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Analysis of Contemporary Health Care Issue Term Paper
Analysis of Contemporary Health palm Issue - Term Paper ExampleIt has forced several individuals to work two or much job to sustain themselves. Most of these jobs are two to three hours long, which has forced people to seek bigeminal jobs to cover costs. With the current job situation, it is becoming difficult for individuals to present for medical insurance.The loophole that firms have adopted is commerce on a short-term basis. This allows companies to have employees on a temporary basis hence, they do not provide any medical cover. This pushes the responsibility onto the employees to pay for their own health make do, which is why the health care act is under scrutiny. The nature of the medical insurance mandate is forcing individuals to tighten up their budgets.This factor is much evident in the assess structure and the underserved population in the US economy. The general structure of the US system highlights that the richer (high earnings) you are, the less tax an individ ual will pay. This illustrates that high income earners have more disposable income to pay for quality medical insurance, which amounts to approximately 10% of the American population. Therefore, 90% are left to struggle with the constraints of the tax system and the deteriorating state of the employment state in the US. (BLS, 2012)The health care act has generated a administrate of debate, attributed to the mandatory nature of each individual having to pay for medical insurance. The current conditions of the profit-oriented industry have make it difficult for employees to purchase or obtain medical cover on their own salaries. It has become progressively difficult to sustain or keep a job, because organizations are focused on reducing costs, which is catalyzed by low revenue and sales (Wessling, 2012). it has caused a cycle in which a lack of money is do unemployment and underperformance from companies in the US.On average, firms are making losses of about 10%, which has
Friday, May 10, 2019
Dissolved Oxygen Content and Fish Populations in Water Coursework
Dissolved atomic number 8 Content and Fish Populations in Water - Coursework Example6. Analyze results Assume that your try out produces results identical to those seen in Table 4, what type of represent would be appropriate for displaying the data and why? 6. Analyze results Assume that your experiment produces results identical to those seen in Table 4, what type of graph would be appropriate for displaying the data and why? The shell type of graph to be used will be a line graph. This type of graph best illustrates trends or behavior of the dependent variable (fish) against varying atomic number 8 levels. The line graph helps the detective easily monitor increases and declines in the variable over time. 7. Analyze results - Graph the data from Table 4 and describe what your graph looks like (you do not have to submit a picture of the true(a) graph). For atomic number 8 levels of mingled with 0 and 4 ppm, the graph rises steadily but for values in the midst of 4 and 12 ppm, there is a sharp rise. However, there is a significant drop between levels of 12 and 14ppm, before again showing a steady rise between levels of 14 and 18ppm. 8. choke conclusions - Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7. What conclusions can you make based on the results of this graph? Based on the results, fish thrive well in water with dissolved oxygen concentrations of about 12ppm. However, when the oxygen level is raised above this level, there is no significant increase in the number of fish but instead a drop in fish populations may be witnessed. Therefore, 12ppm is the optimal level of dissolved oxygen for fish survival.9. Draw conclusions Assuming that your experiment produced results identical to those seen in Table 4, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 3? Explain how you set(p) this. If my experimental results were to be identical to the above, I would accept my hypothesis. This is because the highest population o f fish is witnessed at 12ppm dissolved oxygen level. This means that any values below the 12ppm will lead and this supports my hypothesis.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
American products vs foreign products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
the Statesn products vs foreign products - essay ExampleAbout 63 million light trucks and cars were produced in 2005 all over the world. of these, 11524000 were produced by America, 5543000 were produced by Germany, and 10064000 were produced by Japan . It may come as a surprise to many but it is authorized that a destiny of vehicles made in America are designated like foreign whereas a lot of vehicles produced in Canada or Mexico are considered municipal. This can fundamentally be attributed to the requirement of the federal regulations of reservation a domestic vehicle with a minimum of 75 per cent of the domestic parts. Therefore, manufacturers in America frequently forward the parts to Canada or Mexico in order to produce the cars, though they hold the perspective of domestic cars by law. On the other hand, Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW produce their cars in America making use of American plants aided by American-based research and development facil ities and with American workers, and yet, they are considered as foreign since the percentage of domestic parts in them is less than 75. At comparable equipment and size, American cars save the buyer significant fall of money as compared to the Japanese car. However, when the comparison is made with respect to the whole life of car, Japanese cars examine much more cost effective than the American cars.
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